The big five animals are Africa’s most recognizable and sought-after wildlife species, and they frequently serve as the primary attraction for safari tourists. These creatures are the pinnacle of safari experiences because of their size, strength, and beauty. Big game hunters originally chose the “big five” as the most challenging and deadly species to pursue on foot. They were prized because they posed the greatest threat to hunters. Today, they are the most recognizable and sought-after animal species in Africa by safari operators and wildlife enthusiasts. This article delves into Masai Mara’s magnificent big five.




African elephants can survive in the wild for up to 70 years. They are the biggest terrestrial animals that can feed for up to 16 hours daily. Every day, they eat between three and five hundred pounds of food. Despite having the biggest brains among animals, they have poor vision.

The elephant is the only creature incapable of jumping. The female elephant can only breed once she is 16 years old and almost only produces up to 4 children. Out of all animals, they have the longest pregnancy—22 months. The trunk can detect an object’s size, shape, and temperature.

These creatures are endemic to the continent’s grasslands, savannas, and woods. They are often described as gentle giants, yet when they feel threatened, they can be quite aggressive and have been known to rush at people, cars, and other animals.

African elephants are gregarious creatures that reside in intricate family groups headed by a matriarch. They often live in groups, with the females headed by a matriarch and the younger females and their young around her. In their matrilineal social system, sisters, aunts, grandparents, mothers, and daughters live together for the entirety of their lives. Adult males are typically solitary animals that depart from the herd only when they are between 12 and 15 years old.



Given its size and fierceness, the lion is sometimes called the “king of the jungle.” Lion prides typically consist of twelve members. Males are often significantly bigger than females and may be easily identified by their shaggy manes. Its mane, which ranges from blonde to black, makes African lions unique. A male lion’s huge mane protects them from battles, and the older the lion, the darker its mane.

Lions are gregarious creatures that reside in prides. Of all the large cats, lions are the most gregarious. Up to three males can make up a pride; the remaining members are females and their offspring. In most cases, the amount of food and water available will determine the pride’s size. A pride territory can reach up to 260 square kilometers, protected by the males.

The male’s primary responsibility is protecting and mating with the group’s female members. But most hunting is done by the females.  Lions have the loudest roar of all the cats and are the only large cats with manes. You may hear a lion’s roar up to eight kilometers away.

The main duties of female lions are hunting and raising their offspring. Their combined smaller size and slower hunting speed increase their success rates.



Among the African Big 5, African leopards are mostly nocturnal creatures. They would rather be alone and are not friendly beings. They have a six-meter leaping range and typically carry their victims into trees, where they are better shielded from other predators. Leopards are agile and excellent swimmers with a top speed of 57 km/h.

Out of all the great cats, leopards have the largest territory. Their capacity to survive has allowed them to spread throughout many regions. Leopards are excellent ambush predators and the strongest of the large cats, pound for pound.

They have a 6-meter horizontal jump and a 3-meter vertical leap.  Like cats, leopards will purr when they’re happy and growl when they’re not. Very early in the morning or late at night is the optimum time to locate them. You must watch closely during the day for these creatures, typically partially concealed in the undergrowth or under trees.



The African buffalo is a huge herbivorous animal and one of the “Big Five” species. The unique hump on its shoulders and its 1.5-meter-long, curving horns are characteristics of the buffalo. Their maximum weight is 900 kg, and their maximum length is 3 meters.

Buffalos rush incredibly quickly when challenged since they are territorial and protective animals. They are renowned for their 40 km/h running pace and powerful, robust design. The dominant bulls approach aggressively while the other adults congregate around the calves for protection.

The gregarious buffalo is frequently observed in herds that can reach thousands of members. They are found in different environments, such as woods, grasslands, and savannas. They are regarded as one of the most deadly creatures in Africa and are notorious for their violent behavior, particularly when they are hurt or trapped.

African buffaloes have extraordinary senses of smell compared to their visual and auditory senses. Because lions dislike being wet, buffalo will cross water. To defend themselves, younger or weaker herd members will stay in the middle while they travel. Being one of the African Big 5, buffalo are known for their extreme aggression in the event of injury.

Buffalos kill more hunters than any other species and have remarkable memories. Typically, one may observe oxpeckers—birds that sit on buffalo—remove ticks and other insects from the animal. Lone buffalo are elderly, past their peak, and have broken away from the herd.



The rhinoceros is a rare treat to spot, even from a distance. It is well-known for its distinctive horn, composed of keratin, the same substance that makes up human hair and nails. Its name, rhinoceros, is derived from the Greek words “rhino” (nose) and “ceros” (horn).

Rhinos come in two varieties: black rhinos and white rhinos. The white rhino has enormous jaws that allow it to graze because of its broad lips and square jaw. Conversely, the black rhino eats leaves off shrubs and trees with its sharper jaw. Compared to black rhinos, white rhinos are more abundant and considerably bigger. These big, herbivorous animals can be seen in Masai Mara.

The White Rhino is the biggest and most gregarious of the five kinds of rhinos. To graze, one uses a broad mouth with square lips. White rhino was the original name for the broad rhino, which was a mistranslation from Dutch to English. At age six, a female reaches sexual maturity, while boys at ten to twelve years.

Bottom Line

When arranging an African safari, the Big Five immediately spring to mind. These amazing creatures are wonderful and exceptional in and of themselves. Seeing any Big Five will genuinely stick with you for a long time. You will discover everything there is to know about the Big 5 when you work with a safari guide. Alika Adventures can assist you in organizing your journey to see Masai Mara’s magnificent Big Five.